With camping season just a couple of weeks away, and with so many new scouts and families in our troop, it's a great time to show off the fantastic meals that the scouts and leaders put together on campouts. In this post, we'll look further at the incredible weekly menu that Mr. Laurendeau managed for the Pawtuckaway camp week last August. In our previous post about that camp week, we shared mostly about the activities that the scouts did, but for this one it's all about the food! Camping is of course in large part about meal preparation, and I think it's impressive to see how much effort went into eating well that week. We have so many pictures of all the great camp cooking that Troop 99 did that it deserves its own post.
Day 1: Chili with Cornbread
On the first day, the troop arrived in the afternoon so after setting up the camp, the main meal for that day was a dinner. The crowd favorite is chili! Here we have the scouts cooking the ground beef, and baking the rolls in Dutch ovens.

This meal was a hit.

Chicken with Mashed Potatoes, Carrots, and Cobbler for dessert
Day 2 was orienteering during the day, and the scouts wrapped up the evening with a from-scratch dinner. Stevie, Sam, and Blake were on spud duty.

Dessert was cobber cooked in Dutch ovens, prepared by Bennett, Drew, and Max. There were a few different kinds including apple, cherry and blueberry.

Breakfast: Pancakes with Bacon
Day 3 was a hiking day of 9 miles, so the scouts had a great breakfast at camp before heading out.

Liam was the pancake chef that morning.

They put the finished pancakes in a foil-lined warming box until they're ready to serve the whole group.

Bennett is checking the crisp on his bacon.
Next, the scouts prepared their own ham sandwiches and PB&J to take with them for lunch on the hiking trail.

Egg, Bacon and Cheese English Muffin Sandwiches
Day 4: Before a busy day of canoeing, the Dom and Kona whipped up a great breakfast of egg, bacon and cheese sandwiches on griddled english muffins.

Quesadillas on the Lake
Lunch that day was pretty neat because they took a grill in one of the canoes and made some toasty cheese quesadillas out on the lake.

Grilled Chicken, Veggies, Biscuits and Apple Cobbler Dessert
And finally, dinner that night was amazing. After a full day of canoeing and rope swings they were still able to prepare a dinner of grilled chicken, maple glazed carrots, grilled peppers and onions, and biscuits, followed up with an apple crisp dessert.
Sam, Nathan and Blake were on dinner duty and started out with chopping veggies. Along with the peppers and onions, they even added some fresh green beans from Mr. Wood's garden.

Sam was working on his cooking merit badge, so he did a lot of the veggie and chicken cooking.

This was an absolutely delicious dinner!

While dinner was cooking, the dessert crew was already hard at work on the apple crisp, which cooks in Dutch ovens.

Scrambled Eggs, Potatoes, and Cinnamon Rolls for Breakfast
Another great breakfast on Day 5 of the campout! The morning crew made scrambled eggs with sausage, and homefries, along with cinnamon rolls.

Homemade Pizza
Dinner that night was homemade pizza, and even the dough needed to proof for a while. There were little baggies of pizza dough hanging around the camp, and then there was some pizza tossing.

Drew cooked up some bacon for some pizza toppings, and Aiden chopped some peppers and onions.

The scouts made their own little personal sized pizzas, and each one cooked in a Dutch oven.

Later that night, the campfire snack was popcorn.

Breakfast Burritos
The last full day of camp had the scouts still cranking out the great breakfasts. The last day was egg and bacon burritos with peppers and shredded cheese.

Grilled Cheese for Lunch

Chocolate Cake for Daniel's birthday
Daniel celebrated a birthday while he was at camp, so for the last night they made "Best Ever Chocolate Cake."

Every last crumb was delicious!

Thank you, Mr. Laurendeau!
Mr Laurendeau did such a great job with menu planning, figuring out recipes and how much groceries were needed for each day/meal, hauling all the food to camp and keeping the cold things cold all week, helping the scouts cook all the meals, and managing inventory. Troop 99 ate very well on this campout as a result.
