About Troop 99

Goffstown Troop 99 was first chartered in 1916, making us one of the oldest Boy Scout Troops in the state of New Hampshire. Our logo features the recognizable twin peaks of Goffstown's Uncanoonuc Mountains. We are unusual in that we are a "Self Chartered" troop. Our sponsoring organization is the "Goffstown Citizens Committee" which is made up of the members of our troop committee. This dedicated group of men and women, many of whom continue to serve long after their sons have aged out of scouting, provide a solid base for the Troop's activities.
Troop 99 meets Thursday nights from 7:00 to 8:30 pm at Stark Hall 2 Church Street, Goffstown, NH 03045. The hall is in the rear of the offices of the Goffstown Congregational Church which generously provides this space as well as room to store our Troop equipment.
Troop 99 maintains an active year round schedule of activities, striving to have an event every month of the year. We participate in Daniel Webster Council events such as the recent airshows. We are also regular attendees at the annual Massabesic District Klondike Derby, Spring and Fall Camporees and we staff a station at the Cub Scout Chuckwagon Derby.
In addition we schedule unit events throughout the year, highlighted by our "Thanksgiving In The Woods" event where Troop and Pack families have a full Thanksgiving feast cooked over open fires. We support our local community by visiting the local elderly homes during the holidays, marching every year in the Memorial Day Parade, running a Water Station during the Goffstown Gallop road race and showcasing a Dutch Oven Demonstration for the public at the Goffstown Pumpkin Regatta. We received an award in 2013 from the Goffstown Area Food pantry for our donation of over 5,000 food items during the annual Scouting for Food drive.