One of the ways that a scout can earn money towards his/her scout fund is by helping with water stations during races put on by Millennium Running. Millennium Running pays the troop cash to set up and distribute water and snacks during the races, and each scout who participates earns money that they can use towards rechartering fees, scout camp, etc.

This weekend Troop 99 had several scouts assist with the aid stations at the Ribfest 5-Miler race which took place at the Ribest festival in Merrimack. We had one group at a station at the halfway point of the race course, and a group at the finish line station. The scouts set up the snack table at the finish line, and also handed out water and powerade to the runners as they crossed the finish line. In the heat of the late morning, it was greatly appreciated!

One of our scouts was captured at the finish line by the photographer--great photo!
